Long Ombre Hair NYC New York City Lace Up Jeffrey Campbells

Long Ombre Hair NYC New York City Lace Up Jeffrey Campbells

Long Ombre Hair NYC New York City Lace Up Jeffrey Campbells

I do not want summer to end.

So I’m wearing every bright thing I own in defiance of the season change.

Long Ombre Hair NYC New York City Lace Up Jeffrey Campbells

Take THAT, Fall!

Long Ombre Hair NYC New York City Lace Up Jeffrey CampbellsLong Ombre Hair NYC New York City Lace Up Jeffrey Campbells

If anyone wants to hire a door-to-door highlighter saleswoman, hit me up.

Long Ombre Hair NYC New York City Lace Up Jeffrey CampbellsLong Ombre Hair NYC New York City Lace Up Jeffrey Campbells


Ombre nails say whaaaa?

Long Ombre Hair NYC New York City Lace Up Jeffrey Campbells

“OMG, it was THIS BIG!”   (obviously pretending to eat cake)

Long Ombre Hair NYC New York City Lace Up Jeffrey Campbells

And just in case my neon outfit didn’t give you a headache, here you go:



Long Ombre Hair NYC New York City Lace Up Jeffrey Campbells


Lipstick : MAC So Chaud / Top : American Apparel / Pants : ASOS / Shoes : Jeffrey Campbell / Rings and Belt : Vintage / Sunglasses : Vogue

Photography : Ariel Romero


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