I hope you’re having an amazing summer.
Went to the beach with my gf Melodie this weekend.
She was shooting for Refinery29 so we walked all over on a babe-hunt.
I acted as her assistant, which just means I helped her creep up on unsuspecting girls.
When they’d ask what the photo was for, I’d interrupt Melodie and say “Hustler.”
I lost my assistant position pretty quick after that.
It feels weird putting bikini photos of myself on the interwebs. Maybe it’s because I’m curvier and my thighs touch?
This is the only body I’ve got. Might as well enjoy it.
Besides, it’s not like I’m naked. Those are on a different site…
(I’m kidding Mom, Dad & Grandma).
I had SO much fun at Rockaway shooting and walking around that I just look at these photos and smile.
i h8 new york sometimes lolz
(and Melodie)
Top : ASOS / Bottoms : Monki / Sunglasses : Street vendor in Soho / Bag : TJ Maxx
Photography : Melodie Jeng
Follow Hotpants
No need for weird feels, you are so beautiful! I wish i had a body like yours!
I really love your Blog and enjoy every outfit you share with us :*
Verena, thank you so much for the kind words. I was really self conscious about this post. But I feel a lot better after your little bit of encouragement :* <3
You loook amazing!! Love that swimsuit :)
gahhh thank you!!!!! <3
You look HOOOOOOOOOT, what weird feelings, are you bling?! You’re hot from the tip of your gorgeous hair till your toes! ;) <3
beijinhos, Nádia
My Fashion Insider
GIVEAWAYS – Win a pink bikini + Win a pink bracelet!
awww Nadia, thank you!
I know, of all people I should not feel weird….maybe just overexposed? lol xoxoxoxoxoxox
Dana, You are a beautiful woman! And an inspiration.
thank you!!!! <3 <3 <3
I was actually wanting to say something more inspirational myself but I can’t hold a thought with my three kids running around me.
I love this photoshoot! You really fantastic in everything you do!
Kisses from Portugal <3
Obrigado Paulinha!!
Dana, you shouldn’t feel that way because, I’ve gotta say, you’re hot, girl!! best body award for you! haha
I have the same problem you do, tights touching! well, a girl gotta use the body she has, right? ;) oh and by the way, the first photo looks amazing!!
Ester from Drawing Dreaming
Thank you Ester. This was such a wonderful comment to wake up to!
And tights totally made sense to me!!! ;)
Much love! xxxx-dana
of course, I meant thighs! where is me head? haha (obviously thinking of thighs that need tights, like mine! haha)
You are so beautifull!!
Love your blog…!
Thank you love!!!!
you’re gorgeous and I like that you’re thighs don’t touch and you still feel confident enough to share! I try my bestest to do the same and I ain’t got no ITC (inner thigh clearance) either. It’s sad that we’ve become accustomed to it and think it’s the norm, when it’s not! I had ITC at 16, because I looked like a prepubescent boy. Also, share Melodie with me? I hate that you’ve got such good photographer friends! PB & JELLY!
AHHHH ITC! I love it. Gonna use it next time ;)
And yes, I have VERY talented friends. I’m lucky because there’s so many photographers in NYC.
But I did take a photoshop class and it taught me how to do color, contrast, etc. It was really helpful in making my photos look good even if I’m not using a professional photog. I highly suggest you find something like that in Seattle! xoxo
I love you too Viv. So mush. <3
Curvier?! Are you kidding me!? Jeez, the world these days…
Just stumpled upon ur blog…and fell in love. U are stunning, such a beautiful woman! let me know if u ever come to switzerland ;)
It’s so amazing that u can say simply what many people in this world (i fathom) and people i’ve meet, don’t realize, is that u must find self love before….
u can give so freely because love already lives in your heart
:) xoxoxoxoxo