Screw New York Fashion Week.
How many fucks is less than zero?
Negative fucks?
Because that’s how many fucks I give.
And it feels good.
So in honor of NYFW which starts today, I’m wearing my pajama shirt.
No joke, this is my pajama shirt.
I’ve been wearing it to bed for 10 years.
But it looks fancy cuz a turban makes everything fancy.
When you live in San Francisco, the Grateful Dead kind of grow on you.
They’re like that one stoner at a house party that no one invited who’s super annoying and wants to join in on all of your conversations but once you actually give him a chance you find out he’s kind of a simple guy with some mediocre yet interesting stories to share.
That is how I view the Grateful Dead.
They also make some wonderful ice cream.
Or is that Ben and Jerry’s?
I always get Jerry Garcia and Ben and Jerry’s confused.
Is Jerry Garcia, Ben’s lover?
Didn’t they make a flavor or something together????
OH wait!! I just looked it up….
Ugh. fruit inside of ice cream? barf (unless it’s bananas covered in peanut butter).
So anyways Fashion Weak,
Enjoy your starving models, your crowds of paparazzi, and your bloggers standing outside shows smoking cigarettes, looking off in the distance…
This weekend I’m staying home, eating ice cream, and cleaning my bathroom.
Lipstick : MAC Retro / Top : Goodwill, then I cut the shoulders off / Shorts : American Apparel / Purse : Etsy / Turban : Scarf from Diane Katz Designs / Shoes : Choies / Sunglasses : Vintage
Photography : Isaac Harris
Follow Hotpants
I love you.
I love you too, D.
I laughed so hard about the NYC fashion week part! Is it really that bad?
I don’t like my country’s fashion weeks, everyone is so full of themselves, baaaah, but I thought it would be different in the great capitals of fashion. Shame!
You look rad in your PJ ;)
kiss kiss, Nádia
My Fashion Insider
oh girl nyfw is the worst….everyone is so full of themselves. it’s a madhouse, and it just makes me feel fat and unimportant. I am avoiding it like the plague this year…
Girl, you make anything look good. Even If I wore a turban with my ten year old pjs, naaaah! wouldn’t work at all! It’s YOU! Hugs!
hahaha sure it would!!! xxx
You’re amazing! Love this fun get-up, that tote bag is the best!
xoxo Iris
thanks Iris!! <3
You always look so damn amazing, girl! Seriously, those boots are rad and look gorgeous on you! Plus, you’re the best at rocking PJ’s!
Ester @ Drawing Dreaming
thank youuuuuuuuuuuuu :)))))) <3
I’ve not checked in on your blog for a while but seriously have you ever been not cool in your life?
DRU!!! <3 <3 <3