omg you guys. I have something to share with you. Back before I was a jaded troll blogger, I took a comedy 101 class in college, and for our final we had to do something funny. When I lived in SF, I was always getting a shit ton of parking…
omg you guys. I have something to share with you. Back before I was a jaded troll blogger, I took a comedy 101 class in college, and for our final we had to do something funny. When I lived in SF, I was always getting a shit ton of parking…
OOOH I WISH I WAS Then I’d be able to wear even MORE Harputs. Not sure if you remember my last Harput’s outfit post, but here it is in case you need more avant-garde asymmetrical things to look at. (other than my face) This dress is a weird rubbery cotton type…
I know Chicago is called The Windy City and all, but on this day, San Francisco kind of took the cake. (mmmm…cake) I was FAREEEEZING… While at the same time, my gf in New York was texting me about how sweltering my apartment was. lolz The grass is always greener…….
OH CALIFORNIA!!!!!!!!!!!! How I’ve missed you… I took these photos in San Francisco and thought it fitting to wear all tie dye. Obviously this was my inspiration…. #janis4eva #like #my #use #of #hashtags #? #lol Seriously though. There’s something magical about San Francisco. Maybe it’s the fact that vintage clothes…