Like my Bomber Jacket, I got this blouse when I was in California last Thanksgiving.
It’s vintage Escada, and I bought it at one of my favorite thrift stores in San Jose. And while it cost me a pretty penny, I think it was SO SO worth it.
Apparently “Veni Vidi Vici” is latin for “I came, I saw, I conquered.”
The phrase is widely attributed to Julius Caesar who used it in a 47 BCE letter to the Roman Senate, where he described a quick victory at the Battle of Zela.
I know, I know,
Whatevs. I love learning weird facts like that. And it’s kind of cool to have a shirt that says something made famous by Julius Caesar, instead of phrases like, “Coffee Is Bae,” or “Wake Me Up When It’s The Weekend.”
I was trying to think of some things I “came, saw, and conquered” in my life, but I don’t really know if I’ve “conquered” anything.
I’ve definitely overcome some struggles, but they still pop up occasionally if I let them. Like my bad body image for example. For the most part I’m “cured,” but I still have those days where I wish I could be more positive about my reflection in the mirror.
(still debating whether this hairstyle looks cool)
I like to think that instead of conquering demons or negativity in my life, I have learned how to “work with it,”
And now I have the skills and knowledge to deal with negativity differently than I did when I was younger.
This doesn’t necessarily mean I’ve conquered the battles, but instead of viewing my daily struggles as battles to begin with, they are now much smaller inconveniences with manageable solutions.
Maybe that’s is a good lesson you can apply to your own life?
Like instead of viewing negative things in your life as battles, such as your weight, your skin, your relationships, your money issues, and so on, you instead view them as small inconveniences with solutions.
And usually that solution is a ton of freakin self-love.
Seriously people, self-love cures EVERYTHING.
Felling fat?
End of the world meteor on it’s way to destroy Earth?
And while self-love didn’t clear my skin, or add money to my bank account like ones you can discover at Lending Expert . But I digress (although one could argue a side effect of self-love is less stress acne and less anxiety spending on unnecessary items), it did make me view my reflection differently, and my bank account with less worry.
Removing shame and stigma helps alleviate the anxiety and guilt voices that say you’ve been a bad person and are unloveable. Turning battles into small, manageable inconveniences that aren’t life or death scenarios, will help make your life more livable. Because nothing in your life should ever be a battle.
Stop fighting with yourself and start loving yourself. Make things manageable by turning battles into lots of smaller projects. Stop overwhelming yourself and start living your life.
(If I ever write a book, that’s going to be the tag line)
And never forget:
Hotpants loves you and you should too <3
Lipstick : MAC So Chaud / Pants, Top, Earrings, Necklace : Vintage / Heels : Vic Matié / Handpiece : Fortune Favors The Brave
Photography : Spree Wilson