You all remember my post about shopping at Forever 21 right???
Well, a very good friend posted this video on my facebook page and I HAD to share it with you all.
Below is the most amazing news report I’ve seen on “Fast Fashion” (and also the greatest example of why John Oliver is my bae).
After watching that, how do you feel?
Are you going to change your shopping habits?
Right now I’m re-evaluating the way I view clothing and how I dress myself on the daily.
While it’s sooooo fun to keep posting brand new outfits on the blog every week, don’t I also have a moral responsibility to purchase said clothing from stores that treat their workers fairly? Shouldn’t the clothes I wear be made by consenting adults who work in conditions and buildings that are up to code?
I think so.
Should I go on a year long ban of Fast Fashion retailers?
What do you think?
Yes! It’s amazing how it’s become almost a right to have affordable fashion in this country. In the comments section of so many fashion sites are people complaining that the items are too expensive if it’s above $50 and they want more affordable items. For awhile I was the same way, but I no longer feel the need to have these children satiate my sartorial cravings.
After researching sweatshop free clothing, I found there’s still quite a bit out there at a decent price. I just wish I had known about this sooner. Not to mention, buying more locally made clothing has environmental and economic benefits as well.
Yes…in fact I think I will join you. Just like John Oliver was saying, we hear these stories and then put it out of our mind when we are shopping. I’m really going to try to make a conscious effort when shopping.
I very much admire your decision and am sooooo glad you’re helping to put this knowledge of the fast fashion industry out into the world :)
i’m thinking a lot about my shopping choices and wardrobe approach lately, so this video comes in a perfect timing for me!
I’ve always ended up buying low-cost brands for the same reasons of the majority: love for fashion and clothes + lack of money.
There’s a lot of talk about minimalism, capsule wardobes and so on lately, and it’s cool: it forced me to reflect about my own choices.
Have you heard about this book by Marie Kondo, Dana: “the life-changing magic of tidying up”?
She suggest to purge your life (and your wardrobe) from all the thing you don’t need to discover how reduce will emprove your life.
This is also a very intersting article i found via the blogger Rockandfiocc that talks about simplicity: http://elitedaily.com/money/science-simplicity-successful-people-wear-thing-every-day/849141/
It’s very hard for me to resist to those tempting little clothes, but i’m thinking that purging and stop buying cheap clothes will make me able to discover what i really need, also in the wardrobe. I hope that i’ll be able to buy less but in good quality…as my granny always suggested! :D
I am with Martina. I love the book by Marie Kondo. That being said, I am not a big clothes buyer. I live vicariously through you. BUT I don’t expect every one of your photo shoots to contain a 100% new outfit. So what if you buy a new shirt and pair it with “old” shoes/skirt/pants? To me that is part of the fun. I like how you style things. I like seeing how a single item can be used in many different looks. It is like painting. If I use ultramarine blue once it doesn’t mean I throw the tube away after that. That color can give feeling/emotion/depth in an entirely different way when I put it with different colors. You do that with what you put on your body. I bet you could take one wonderful non-fast-fashion item and make several amazing photo shoots that are entirely unique by changing all of the things around it. It doesn’t devalue what you have to offer on this blog. In some cases, I think it makes your style “voice” stronger. Some of my favorites have been things you’ve bought resale.
And I think your heart is in the right place. You could make yourself manic researching every single thing you buy and never REALLY know. You do your best at making good choices. You share the message. I respect you for that.