Look at all the leaves on the ground…
I can’t believe how quickly Fall came.
It’s election season…
Winter is on its way…
In the words of David Bowie,
But I’m actually super stoked the weather has cooled off. Because now I can wear awesome drapey purple bedsheets without looking like I’m wearing an Abaya.
Or maybe it still looks like an Abaya.
I’m actually wearing 2 separate pieces. The pants are from Uniqlo and then I just tangled myself up in a drapey thrifted sweater.
We took these photos in front of Anna Wintour’s house – or what we believed to be Anna Wintour’s house.
Maybe it’s not.
Who cares, if I say it’s Anna Wintour’s house…it’s Anna Wintour’s house!
Would I lie to you?
Besides, Ms. Wintour has an excellent taste in paint color, considering it’s identical to the bedsheets I’m wearing.
She actually saw me walking down the street and hired someone on the spot to paint her house because she just LOVED my outfit.
Walking in the wind. This is what I look like 99% of the time.
I’m actually Cousin It.
Lipstick : MAC Ruby Woo / Pants : Uniqlo / Wrap Top : Thrifted, no label / Shoes : Vintage Enzo Angiolini / Purse : Vintage Andrea Mabiani / Rock Ring : Chinatown
Follow Hotpants
Kinda loving this! Great find with the top, it goes perfect with those pants!
( /)
( . .)
thanks lovely!
I’m impressed that those two pieces did not come together. I grew up wearing an abaya (in saudi arabia) and they have “fashion abayas” where the insides are all crazy colors and glitter and designs on the sleeves. Basically every season you were judged harshly if you didn’t have the cool $500+ abaya and I was not about to spend that much on covering my ass up. Needless to say, I was rarely in one of the cool ones. I did have one decked out with turquoise rhinestones though, and well, that was cool while it lasted.
I’ll bug Jeana (who will in turn bug Diane) to be sure I know when you are next in town.
Whoa, crazy story!! Do you have pics of you wearing one?
Snow already in Europe…
you and Anna Wintour are besties??? so jealous!
love those booties, you look fab :)
we’re best friends, she just doesn’t know it yet.
;) thanks <3