The 2nd bedroom closet finally looks like a shoe store.
Be jealous.
To my 3 readers who don’t know me (mom and dad you can skip this part), I’m a total shoe hoarder, although I got rid of about 40 pairs before I moved into the city. Can you believe I had 40 more pairs of shoes than this?
left shelf is the boyfriend’s…middle and right ones are mine
We bought 3 of these.
Below is the other side of the room showing the pipe closet we built from scratch for clothes.
left side mine, right side bf’s
Follow Hotpants
Damn girl, this is like Mariah Carey closet status.
I’m drinking champagne in the tub right now.
That’s amazinggggggggg! I am jealous!
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lol thanxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I especially liked the sharing part between you guys. And yes, I’m jelly.
haha, sharing meaning I get twice as much space ;) <3
Well, this is just fabulous.
thank you!