And it is SOLD OUT!!!!!!!!!!
I’m seriously crying as I type this. I can’t believe my little idea of putting together a safe space for women in NYC has grown into a sellout event with serious sponsorship and an incredible list of attendees!
What started as a dream 2 years ago, has finally become a reality.
Don’t believe me this was 2 years in the making?
Check this out:
I posted this to Facebook on October 8th, 2014.
2 years ago, I put this message out to my friends, and I got a ton of responses from women saying they wanted to be a part of this new community I was building.
And you know what I did?
Absolutely nothing. Because I was too scared.
I was scared I wasn’t good enough, cool enough, popular enough, or smart enough to bring women together. I thought no one would come. I was worried I’d look stupid for trying.
It took me 2 years to work up the courage to do this, and I’m so proud of myself for finally taking the leap. I don’t know exactly what shifted, but I was finally like, FUCK IT!!! Who cares if no one comes! At least I tried!
And now tonight is a sellout event. And this is a perfect example of why you don’t let your fears crush your dreams.
So tonight’s empowerment + networking event is finally happening because I don’t want anyone else sitting on their dreams for 2 years like I did.
Here’s tonight’s full event lineup. For those of you attending, I can’t wait to see you. And for those who couldn’t make it or don’t live in NYC, more Do The Hotpants events are already in the works!!! Los Angeles anyone???
Keynote Speakers:
Dana Suchow – “How to Hold Your Power: Have the Confidence to be Supportive of All Women”
Rachel Cargle – “How to Network + Build Your Tribe”
Kristin Kontrol will be on the decks playing all women musicians all evening long
Body Positive Photobooth:
Presented by Lightworks with assistance from Jacklyn Lune
Raffle and Giveaways:
**Tonight’s event is NONPROFIT and is a safe space for ALL women, regardless of race, gender experience, ability, and age.
Stay tuned for photos and videos next week! And wish me luck tonight, because I’m very nervous <3