I need hair help!
I’ve always had split ends.
I think it comes with the territory of having super long hair and only getting it cut once a year.
So my laziness in hair care is probably a huge factor into its current condition….
But ever since I got it dip-dyed last summer, my split end problem has only gotten worse.
I know the easiest way to get rid of them is to cut it…But I don’t want to cut my hair!
Partly because I’m broke ;)
But also, it’s a huge anxiety-ridden pain in the ass to find a hairstylist I trust near my hair!!
I mean, I’ve got my girl in Cali…..but….she’s in Cali :(
Other than a hair trim, I’ve tried quite a few things.
Here’s my current list of products:
♥ Olive oil hair mask
♥ Coconut oil hair mask
♥ Leave in conditioner – this one
♥ Washing hair 2-3 times a week
♥ All kinds of serums – right now I’m using this one
♥ Prayer, meditation, and listening to my split ends talk about their problems
I must say that other than my split ends, I have a very healthy hair.
Thankfully I’ve been blessed with a full head of thick, wavy, dark brown hair that I love!
And in all honesty it’s actually super fun to pull apart my split ends when I’m bored….
But I’m crowdsurfing my amazing readers for help. Because I’m THIS close to buying….
Do you struggle with split ends too?
Do you have advice?
Or even just want to vent about your split end horrors?
Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses of hair issues!!!
Share your answers with me in the comments below and I’ll test them out.
If your suggestions work, I promise to share your advice with my readers and will credit you as The Split End Guru ♥
I dyed my hair three months ago a colour close to Julian moore and my colour is dark brown so I pretty messed them up a lot. Also my hair are curly…
My hair stylist gave me a hair mask.
The company is INDOLA, and it’s called INNOVA repair rinse-off treatment. It’s for damaged hair with keratin.
My hair were pretty soft before dying them that color. After that were like a sponge!
I think it will help you with your split ends but if I were you, I would cut them just a little bit. Like 3cm :)
Hope I helped a little. :)
I’m going to try Innova! And I think I have to get a trim and just bite the bullet. Thank you for the advice!! <3
Sorry to say but trimming more frequently would help. You have gorgeous hair that looks so healthy and would look even more beautiful with a trim, at least twice a year 1/4 “. YOU can do this! I have long hair too and believe me the trims help.
Good Luck and thanks for your posi vibes and energy!
Thanks Angela! And I know you’re right, I really just need a trim…badly!!!
Go through your hair with a small pair of sharp scissors in good lighting and cut those split ends! That and using leave in conditioner and moisturizing oils is what helped me :)
thanks Mary!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
My struggle with split ends is too damn real so I feel your pain girl! The only solution I found really was to find a hairstylist I trust and 2) get it trimmed every two months 3) shampoo, conditioner and serum , bought at the salon. that has fixed the issue… Other than that I really don’t know what else you can do, asides your list of things above! Good luck xxx
Thanks Maria!! Still working on the “hairstylist I trust part” LOL
I have a pair of sharp scissors and when I’m bored I go through my ends and cut just the splitties. It doesn’t affect my overall length (I’ve abstained from the salon for 3 or 4 years now) and it looks a million times healthier. I do it a few times a week while I’m bored at work on phone meetings. It’s the only way to get rid of them without damaging it more!
OMG Alrene I tried this at work the other day and my hair looks SO much better. I’m going to keep doing it when I’m bored at work (which is a lot of the time) hahahaha
Try Olaplex and “dusting” your hair. There are several techniques for getting rid of split hair. You have to invest in professional shears and used them only for that purpose.