I know Chicago is called The Windy City and all, but on this day, San Francisco kind of took the cake.
While at the same time, my gf in New York was texting me about how sweltering my apartment was.
The grass is always greener….
This outfit didn’t originally have a sweater, but there was no way I was going bare armed.
Besides, goosebumps are NAGL!
Using my hair as a scarf…
I still miss you and love you like cray, San Francisco!
(and Viv)
Lipstick : MAC Retro / Dress : Topshop / Sweater : Acne / Choker : Forever 21 / Boots : Steve Madden / Watch : Nixon / Ring : Vintage
Photography : Vivian Chen
Follow Hotpants
<3 Love this set!!!
<3 love you!!!
I love taking photos in the wind, haaaaaaair craziness galore!
You look fabulous, as usual <3 I was missing your posts already, I went on vacation and was glad to find new posts from you waiting! ;)
kiss kiss, Nádia
My Fashion Insider
haha I know I was just so busy in California I couldn’t find time to edit anything!!! <3
The outfit look so cute! I really like the different color on this comfy!
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cassandra xxhttp://backtofive.blogspot.com
thank you!!!