HAPPY MONDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
This post is inspired by one of my favorite blogs. If you don’t know, now you do.
You’re welcome for teh lolz.
Seattle was HOT.
And because I’m the worst. packer. ever…instead of summer dresses and shorts, I brought a sweater. Although it’s a sweater with holes, so it’s kind of summery. right???
(I had to)
Ugh…smiling and happy in Washington.
I’m SUCH a terrible goth.
I’m wearing shorts. I SWEAR.
The light below makes me look like Ziggy Stardust.
Tried taking photos walking down a beautiful stone path next to a pond, but I kept falling in my 5 inch platforms, so I just pretended I was a T-Rex instead.
…Slipping on rocks in heels…just a regular Monday…
Leaving you with an incredibly rare “behind the scenes” shot of Adam and I.
Lipstick : Loréal Forever Fuchsia / Sweater : Pinkyotto Soho (was a turtleneck but I used a seam ripper to remove the neck fabric) / Bra : Alexander Wang / Bike Shorts : American Apparel / Leggings : Nordstrom / Shoes : Cheap Monday / Rings : Vintage
photography : Adam Katz Sinding
Follow Hotpants
Loves the outfit. The sex appeal (on the 3rd picture from the bottom) is just…perfect!
I’m blushing!!!!!!!!!!
Awesome blog! would you mind following each other via bloglovin? :) x
/Malin @ http://fashionfied.tk
Cute outfit! Love the red lipstick! :D
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xoxo backtofive
thanks love!