I’m SOOOO in love with Melissa Fabello!!
Scroll down to watch her explain how diet culture KEEPS WOMEN CONTROLLED THROUGH CAPITALISM!
Sounds crazy right?
It’s an absolute truth and if you’re not a believer yet, watch the video for yourself.
Then let me know what you think in the comments!
I agree with all of the above. However, women – and probably men – have altered their appearance for a variety of reasons other than marketing and capitalism. Certainly, an industry has sprung up to support what people will buy. On the other hand, the prevailing concept in this culture is that it has to cost something to be of value. I tell my patients repeatedly that what I have NOTHING to sell. I charge for my professional services because I am employed by an organization that pays my wages. I would be happy to give away my experience and my knowledge. I can assure you: noone would take it. I’ve been in the business longer than your generation has been so obsessed with thigh gaps. I know of what I speak. Keep it up HotPants.
Wow!!! Its about me and my problem… But I can`t give it up. I don`t know what to do actually. Unfortunately it is important for me not to gain my weight back and to do all I can for this. I can`t give up this ideal :( Not yet :(
But I agree with all… I am just stupid :(