It’s cold in Manhattan. I hope all my readers are reading this post on the beach, or sitting next to a fire with a cat on their lap.
I am doing neither….
I’m currently sitting on the cold floor writing this because my charger doesn’t reach my bed.
The pants and belt I’m wearing are my mom’s.
My mother has amazing style and is such an inspiration to me.
I just wish she kept ALL of her clothes growing up.
(actually maybe that’s a third world problem?)
Parents not keeping their cool clothes from the past is just a problem in general.
I’m sure my kids will be equally pissed off at all the Spring cleaning I’ve done to my wardrobe over the years.
To my future children:
I’m sorry you won’t dress as cool as me.
This cold weather has gotten to my brain.
I think I want to move to Australia.
Or hell.
Literally, any place hot sounds good right now.
Lipstick : Chili / Top : H&M / Pants and Belt : My Mom’s / Heels : Violet & Red / Purse : Coach
You may have already seen this “All About that Base,” cover, but if not–enjoy! http://m.huffpost.com/ca/entry/6335066
omg THANK YOU FOR SHARING THIS!! I just posted it on my DTH Facebook page. Thank you thank you!!! <3 <3