In the words of Natalie Imbruglia…
Or maybe I’m a little less Torn and a bit more SHREDDING????
Super lol.
I’ve shredded clothes before, but doing it by hand takes a lot of time and patience…2 things I don’t have.
(specifically the “patience” part)
Although for those of you interested, this video taught me how to shred back in ’08.
So for this dress, I turned to Etsy, or as I like to call it, “My online sweatshop.”
But word to the wise……
I made the mistake of wearing it out this weekend and totally trashed it!!!!
I didn’t even do anything crazy. I just walked (got caught on my shoe zippers), talked to people (got caught on other people), and ate dinner (got caught on the table, the chair, my bracelet, the bathroom door and my friend).
Pre-party it dragged on the floor.
Post-party I look like I’ve been shipwrecked.
Torn clothes are works of art.
You know that saying where one person’s trash is another person’s treasure?
Well this dress is now the opposite.
Lipstick : MAC Fixed On Drama / Dress : Etsy / Shorts : American Apparel / Hat : Vintage / Shoes : Jeffrey Campbell / Clutch : Sephora Makeup Bag / Ring : Lucas Jack / Necklace : MoMA Store
Photography : Ariel Romero
Follow Hotpants
looooove *.*
What a coincidence, I also wore a shredded this week! We’re getting telepathic here, Dana, soon we won’t need any Skype! :p hahaha
You look soooo freakin’ sexy, I bet everyone you passed by just stood and watched :p
kiss kiss, Nádia
My Fashion Insider
we need to meet in real life dude!!!
You look awesome! Love that Natalie Imbruglia reference too, used to be my favourite song :)
xoxo Iris
right?? haven’t heard that song in FOREVER
You seriously can do no wrong!
Perfet! I love your blog *.*
i love you!!
I think you carry it off really well. Very chic outfit.
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Cassandra | Backtofivehttp://backtofive.blogspot.com
well THANK YOU!!