This is funny…
I was wearing this outfit WITHOUT a purse like below.
Taking photos in front of a restaurant, causing a scene, just a regular Saturday…
When all of a sudden this really cool looking girl came up and started talking to me.
At first I thought she needed directions, and I was gonna be all like “No Habla Ingles….“
But turns out she’s a bag designer and liked my style so much that she wanted me to wear her purse while she took photos of me with her iPhone.
My story sounds like some weird fetish so far, right?
Aaaaanyways, I told her I’m SUPER FAMOUS BLOGGER, and asked her if I could wear it around the street for my blog post.
So that’s what I did!
Walking around with someone else’s ca$h.
I can’t believe this woman trusted me.
I had her passport for like 20 minutes!
But how incredible is this purse? The designer’s name is Isawan, and you can see her and Melodie in my insanely mirrored sunglasses below.
So thank you Isawan for letting me walk around with your beautiful bag!!! <3
Now that I think about it, this story is not very funny. More like longwinded and NOT funny. Whatever. I think it’s hilarious and it’s my blog.
Oh…also I tied the bottom of this dress with a hair tie. It’s normally just a regular maxi dress, but I tied the front and back between my legs with a rubber band.
#creative #diy #hashtagzzzzz
Lipstick : MAC Retro / Dress : Alexander Wang / Bracelets : Vintage / Hat : Treasure & Bond / Sunglasses : Street vendor in Soho / Shoes : Tsubo / Purse : Isawan
Photography : Melodie Jeng
Follow Hotpants
I think that story is VEEEERY funny! I can imagine your face hahaha! She was soooo nice! But honestly, you’re so difficult to overlook that it doesn’t surprise me at all that she spotted you! ;)
That dress idea is fantastic! Gotta do the same with my blue one hahaha! Always inspiring (and crazy) Dana! ;)
kiss kiss Nádia
My Fashion Insider
Awww lolololol thanks for the comment. Love u!!!! <3
LOVE THIS. And you!
Love you toooooo!
Oh my goodness, I ttoally need this!My husband and I love taking photos…but carrying my camera along with my purse is soo impractical. This bag is perfect. ::crossing my fingers::
Thank you so much for the feature!!!!!