Love and hope and sex and dreams
Are still surviving on the street
Look at me!
I’m in tatters!
I’m shattered!
Friends are so alarming
My lovers never charming
Life’s a cocktail party on the street
Big Apple
People dressed in plastic bags
Directing traffic
Some kind of fashion
Laughter, joy, and loneliness
And sex and sex and sex and sex!
Look at me!
I’m in tatters!
I’m shattered
Pride and joy and greed and sex
That’s what makes our town the best
Pride and joy and dirty dreams
And still surviving on the street
Look at me!
I’m in tatters!
Ive been battered
What does it matter
Don’t you know the crime rate is going up, up, up, up?
To live in this town you must be tough, tough, tough, tough!
You got rats on the west side
Bed bugs uptown
What a mess
This town’s in tatters
I’ve been shattered
Brain’s been battered
All over Manhattan
This town’s full of money grabbers
Go ahead, bite the Big Apple
Don’t mind the maggots
My brain’s been battered
My friends they come around
They flatter, flatter, flatter, flatter, flatter
Pile it up
Pile it high on the platter
Lipstick : MAC Retro / Dress, Belt and Purse : Vintage / Shoes and Headband : H&M
Photography : Melodie Jeng
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