What if,
Right now,
At this very moment,
Every single person in the world was told their body would never change
What if:
Every pound of fat. Every dimple of cellulite. Every zit. Every ugly haircut.
All these things stayed with you now for the rest of your life.
What would you do?
How would your life change?
Would you worry about exercise?
Would you worry about calories?
Would the pressure society places on us to be thin and beautiful, vanish?
What if we were free????
I believe, that if we stopped wishing and started accepting,
With all this newfound free-time in our hearts and minds, women would change the world.
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Follow Hotpants
Simply beautiful! Thank you for these words!
so wise dana!! everyone of us has something she hates but also something she likes – so concentreting more on the likes would be great…
and it so fits to my “mantra” and also blogname ….worry about it later ;)))
thank you bianca xxxxx :)
This is truly VERY INSPIRING! I talk about that in my blog quite often to. How we need to stop accepting our bodies and be happy for what we got!
kiss kiss, Nádia
My Fashion Insider
thank you love!!! and thank you for the retweet too!!! xxx
It was totally deserving! :) The idea is so simple and yet so powerful! I told my 16 years old sister about it and she first was like “Omg, what?!, noooo, my cellulite, my tights, my knees, my ears, my…”, then she was like “I could eat all the food I wanted?!” and finally “Well, now that I think about it, I’ve focused on the positives about my body and that wouldn’t be too bad…I would eat more mcdonalds, but not too much, because of my health”.
It was nice to see her realizing that she has good things about her, so thanks, Dana! :)
Id be incredibly frustrated and angry at myself because I would not be happy with my body and incapable of bearing it for the rest of my life. Im sorry, I know that I should be seeing the other side to this, but we’re not all there yet are we…
Gab I just want to give you a huge hug. I’m sorry it took me so long to reply. I hope you get my response.
I know it would be hard at first, but I think once you realized that no one was happy and no one could change, a weight would be lifted off your shoulder. I think it would take time, but I’ll bet you after the 2nd week you’d be truly happy <3
And no need to apologize for your opinion.
hugs hugs hugs xxxx-Hotpants