Last weekend I saw a babe at the Williamsburg Flea Market wearing these:
OMG how SICK are these shoes????
I had never heard of Schier Shoes before, but apparently Opening Ceremony has already done a collaboration with them. So I apologize if this is totally old news and you never want to visit my blog again...(fine I don’t need you ANYWAY!)
But for those like me who are not hip to the latest NYC via Africa fashion trends, please read on:
OK… So not only are the shoes cool while bringing money and jobs to the local economy, but how incredible are the below photos from their website shot by Jason Eric Hardwick?
anyone know this guy’s number??
SIIIIIICK RIGHT?????????????
In college I had the opportunity to study abroad in South Africa. I ended up turning the acceptance down and it’s the biggest regret of my life.
One of these days I will make it to Africa, but until then, a pair of handmade shoes from Swakopmund, Namibia will have to suffice.
The yellow cap toes are my favorite. Mainly because I saw them in person and they ruled your mom. You can ogle them here.
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