On my last trip to Cali for Thanksgiving I raided my parents’ coat closet.
Not only did I come back to NYC with my dad’s All Weather jacket from Vietnam!!! (see it here)
But I also returned home with this beautiful, blue, heavy Ferncroft coat that was my mom’s from the 80’s.
It’s in pristine condition because she didn’t wear it a ton. And the length and weight make it perfect for NYC winters (even though we’ve barely had a real winter yet this year).
So obviously I had to lug it back home and share it with you all on the blog.
See Mom, I told you I’d wear it!!
It’s funny, I used to get SO upset with my mom when I was younger for not keeping her old clothes. I see pictures of her from the 80’s and she dressed SO COOL!
(Not that you don’t dress cool now mom, but damn you were fly back then too.)
But as I’ve gotten older, I realize how unrealistic the expectation that my mom should have kept every article of clothing she owned from the 70’s through the 90’s, actually is.
I can barely keep things in my closet from 2 years ago, let alone clothes I wore when I was in college? YUCK!
They don’t fit anymore and they’re just dead weight and clutter that I do NOT need in my life anymore.
I’m sure my future kids will look at photos of me and get mad that I gave my stuff away, but there is literally no way in hell I’m going to hang on to every article of clothing I’ve owned just so my kids can look cool.
Who even has room in their closet to do that?
It’s definitely not anybody living in NYC!
Dear future kids,
I’m sorry that I can’t supply you with a wardrobe full of chill ass clothes,
But I’ll at least hang onto this jacket for you!!
Signed, your future mom.
Speaking of getting rid of old clothes, I’m very proud of myself today.
This weekend I went through my closet (which I do twice a year) and got rid of everything that doesn’t fit me or I don’t like.
And by “get rid of,” I mean donate only to NON homophobic charitable organizations.
A word of advice:
Whenever you donate clothing or furniture, do NOT donate to The Salvation Army. And never donate money to their bell ringers during the holidays either.
The Salvation Army is a church that believes homosexuality is wrong, and have been known to turn away help to homeless gays, lesbians and transgenders unless they promise to abstain from sex going forward.
I actually didn’t know this when I was growing up and used to shop there all the time…
But hindsight 20/20, and the more we all know, the better off you and everyone else in this world will be!
But back to my closet…
I donated 3 big bags of clothes, jackets, and (mostly) shoes this weekend, and it feels great!
If something doesn’t fit me, I don’t want to hold onto it. I don’t need it sitting in my closet, taunting me every time I go to look for an outfit, reminding me of what my body once was and how I’m not that same person anymore. Instead, if I really love an article of clothing that doesn’t fit me, I buy it again in a different size.
And if it doesn’t exist in a different size, or I can’t find it?
Well then, it just wasn’t meant to be, and I will continue living my life without it.
Have a wonderful week everyone. Go through your clothes and get rid of anything that doesn’t fit. Trimming the fat of your closet is a life changing experience, and it will make getting dressed fun once again!
Oh and thanks for the coat Mom!!!!!
Photography : Melodie Jeng
Lipstick : MAC Ruby Woo / Jumpsuit : Brooke Coleman / Jacket : Vintage Ferncroft / Clutch : Céline / Belt : COS / Gloves : Nordstroms