Blonde, Straight, Brown, Smooth, Wavy…
Anything OTHER than Natural Black Hair is considered beautiful in Westernized societies, and I’m glad to see a movement of women fighting against this.
The way you are born is BEAUTIFUL, and if society would just let each woman EMBRACE and LOVE her natural beauty, instead of trying to fight against her very genetics, the world would be a much more healthy and balanced place.
Remember Chris Rock’s Good Hair Documentary?
Even Sesame Street has realized the need for Girls of Color to hear positive words and affirmations regarding their beautiful hair.
So in celebration of beautiful non-European hair, I’ve put together a post of WOC with flowers in their manes.
Because what better way to adorn and celebrate natural hair, than with nature!
Don’t forget…
Being a feminist means not just loving every part of yourself, but loving every part of every other woman on the planet.
Black Women, you are beautiful, you are important, and you are loved.
I am so sorry for the lack of image crediting. Everything was taken from Google Image Searching and Tumblr Image Searching.
But here are some amazing Natural Hair Tumblrs to follow:
Remember I’m still learning, so if I did anything offensive or left anything important out, LET ME KNOW!
THANK YOU for making this post. As a child I always hated my hair because I thought only strait hair was pretty. When i was in the 7th grade I started to wear it tied back and in high school I straightened it. Now that I am in college I just got tired of it and now I wear it natural…. and I AM HAPPIER THAN EVER!!! Seriously girls, your hair is beautiful and you just have to accept it!!!
OMG Catarina, how did I never reply to this!!! I’m so sorry for the delay! But I love you for loving yourself!!! if you’re on Instagram, tag me in a photo of you and your hair, I’d love to see how you wear it.
Sending lock love from NYC. xoxoxoxo
Amazing post, I have always loved my hair – relaxed, pressed, natural, short, long…. I enjoy doing my hair daily. Never worn a wig or weave and braids (in adulthood) maybe for 3-4 weeks, the longest being 10 days. I appreciate your appreciation for diversity.