Don’t I look like I’m straight off the set of Mad Men?
The funny thing is…
When I started putting this outfit together I had no idea it would end up looking so retro.
I was originally going for 70’s grandma,
But ended up with 60’s mom.
I’ve actually had this dress for over 10 years. I bought it in San Francisco at the Vintage Clothing Expo when I was 20 and have
NEVER….EVER…EVER worn it!!!!!
Like, this dress has only been on my body 3 times…
1. At the Expo when I tried it on.
2. A few years ago I was played dress up in my apartment.
3. This weekend.
But I loved it too much to ever get rid of it. It’s one of those pieces I’ll have forever, even if it never again sees the light of day. It’s just too beautiful and too well made to ever part with.
I usually purge everything I haven’t worn for 6 months, but this beauty will always be there.
Do you have anything like that in your closet?
Aww..look how cute my little stomach pudge is :)
Alright babies. Have a beautiful week.
And remember…the weekend is only 5 days away ;)
Lipstick : MAC Ruby Woo / Dress, Earrings, Necklace / Shoes : Giuseppe Zanotti
Photography : Spree Wilson